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Monthly Archives: May 2009

Here’s something that won’t fit the timeline at all, yet serves as some sort of milestone.

There’re so many people to whom compliments are due, and since I’m no prolific blogger what better way to be fair than to start off with a non-human friend 🙂

In my last two weeks or so in Malaysia, my wife and I were priviledged enough to have a visitor who came to play with us on a rather regular basis. She was a domestic shorthair cat otherwise known as a moggy to the Brits, but what a fine specimen she is! Not only was she a pretty cat but a sociable one as well. Judging from her behaviour she couldn’t have been a stray, but since we couldn’t have known her actual name we just called her Mimi after my wife’s Pet Soc pet name.

A relaxed Mimi sprawled on rug.

A relaxed Mimi sprawled on rug.

A few days before we said adieu to the country, Mimi popped by for just a few minutes as if to say goodbye, as if she somehow sensed that we were about to leave.

Alas, there aren’t many pictures to share. I wish her well and hope that she will… er… keep the local rat population in check.


Thanks for your companionship, Mimi (or whatever your real name is). It sure was great having your around while we were stressing about tying loose ends.

On to the next house after having fun time at ours

On to the next house after having fun time at ours


Mimi in a lovely pose

Mimi in a lovely pose

Blog author is no longer in Qatar.

Who said that cheap must not be good and good must not be cheap?

Catching up with real life has caused me to totally abstain from blogging for this past year. Before I go on to under things, here’s a little compliment to Habeeb Turkish Restaurant along Al-Matar Al-Qadeem (Old Airport Road). Yeah, it’s not as if yours truly were too busy scrutinizing the injustices of the world to savour good food wherever it appears!

Habeeb's Grilled Chicken Wings

Habeeb's Grilled Chicken Wings

Grilled Lamb Chops, known here as 'Lamp Chops' :P

Grilled Lamb Chops, known here as 'Lamp Chops' 😛











Too bad I don’t have a shot of the facade of the restaurant – one might be stubbornly hiding in my archives. It is located in a dingy area of the city, and so doesn’t offer much in terms of decor and ambience. However, the grilled meats are as good as any expensive restaurant that charges a lot more than this place! There is one thing that it really does best, though, and that is the quality of its freshly baked breads. I’ve been to expensive places that still give you pre-packed breads that come in plastic bags, but here they bake the bread each time you order.


Approximate GPS coordinates 25.251333, 51.554310.

Or go to D-ring road and get to the same side of the road as Lulu Hypermarket.  Just after Lulu, turn right into Jaber bin Hayyan Street. Go on till you meet a traffic light. At traffic light, turn left into Al Matar Al Qadeem Street then look out for the RIGHT side of the street.  Habeeb should be halfway, say about 200m, down. The shop sign is a nice big bright red/maroon one – can’t be missed unless one’s dreaming in 45C summer evening heat. Bon appetit!